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LEADER Zentrum Westen's Bounds
All public Bounds by LEADER Zentrum Westen

Message in a bottle in Mamer
by LEADER Zentrum Westen
Find out interesting facts about the municipality of Mamer Follow the *Mamer 1 circular hiking trail* marked on your sheet and let the Actionbound guide you. The hiking tour is 7,7 km long and leads to 10 stations that not only send you on an exciting journey through the history of the municipality of Mamer, but also set you tasks that will help you find out the name of the forest devil. Here we go! Good luck solving the riddle.
Letter hunt through Kahler
by LEADER Zentrum Westen
Mia and Emil are going on a bike ride today. They are in Kahler. On the tour, they meet a mysterious giant! Who is the giant and what does he have to say about Garnich's past? Find out together with Mia and Emil by travelling the tour with the Actionbound *Letter hunt through Kahler*. Take the sheet from the folder with you on your way if you want to solve the puzzle with the Actionbound! Along the way, you will learn lots of interesting facts about the municipality of Garnich. You have to...
Tour *Al Schmelz* in Steinfort
by LEADER Zentrum Westen
On their journey, Mia and Emil meet the foreman Pir, who is in charge of the *Al Schmelz* in Steinfort. They spontaneously have to help Pir find the secret combination of his locomotive's lock to get it running again. Your help is needed!